Experience of use Motion Energy

Experience with Motion Energy from Tomas from Brno

Hello, today I would like to tell you about such a wonderful medicine that helped me regain flexibility, get a healthy back and start playing sports again.

I have been actively involved in sports my whole life. He played basketball in his youth and then started attending the gym regularly. But a year ago I overdid it with the weights and put a lot of strain on my back. At first I thought that everything would pass soon, I just had to lie down.

But a week went by and I wasn't feeling any better. I somehow got used to walking, but as soon as I bent down or turned around awkwardly, I felt severe pain. Something had to be done about it, it was impossible to continue living like this.

I bought several warming gels at the pharmacy, on the advice of the seller they helped for a short time, but only a few hours passed and the pain returned again. I was recommended to take painkillers, but I concluded that I could not do without a doctor.

I had to go to the doctor. He diagnosed me with sprained ligaments and pinched nerve roots and prescribed Motion Energy. After reading about this cream on the Internet, I decided to buy it online, fearing counterfeits in pharmacies.

The product was delivered to the post office quite quickly and I unpacked the package three days later. The cream smells pleasant, of herbs and spices.

How to use:

The doctor said to use it twice a day and wrap a towel around your back to make a warming compress. I followed his advice and applied the cream before work and before bed. After 4 days there was no more pain! I applied the cream for another week, did gymnastics at home, and then returned to the gym.

Even if I have injuries or sprains, that is not a reason to give up sport for a long time. After three to four days of using Motion Energy, mobility is completely restored.

If you have back problems or sprained ligaments, use this cream, it will immediately get you back on your feet and relieve the pain!

Experiences with Motion Energy from Erich from Cologne

I've had back problems my whole life. And not just one, but a whole range: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis. And as I got older, all of these problems started to get worse. It became difficult to even lie on his back; I could only fall asleep in one position.

The Motion Energy cream for joint and back pain helped me regain my mobility. I read about it online and ordered several packages. Within a week the back pain disappeared and simple gymnastics combined with Motion Energy helped me forget about my back problems.

I can recommend this cream to anyone who has muscle and joint pain. You will feel much better after just one use!